Friday, September 25, 2009

Workshop for men (October 16)

I noticed this in one of the Carleton newsletters. Obviously, most of our members are female so this notice isn't aimed at us, but we do have a number of men who come to our events who might be interested, plus many of us have male friends who might be interested if we pass on the information!

Man Talk Workshop

This workshop focuses on how young men can take a leadership role in addressing issues of dating violence.

Included in the workshop are the need for clear, respectful communication in relationships, and practical ways young men can take a leadership role in addressing this type of violence on campus.

The event takes place on Oct. 16 from 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. in Porter Hall. It's a free event for students and lunch will be provided.

[More information, including registration here]

I'm glad to see Carleton offering this, and I hope it's well attended!


mskphillip said...


Just an important point of clarification- it is NOT Carleton University that is offering the workshop on how man can " take a leadership role in addressing issues of dating violence"; it's actually the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) and the Sexual Assault Network (SAN). Why the need to differentiate this? Because Carleton University still refuses to develop a sexual assault centre on campus because according to them, it will bring bad press to Carleton that sexual assault occurs on campus.

The workshop is great however and I hope as many men attend. It's time that men start speaking about their role in helping to end violence against women.