Monday, October 20, 2008

Why you should join the CU-WISE team

As you may have noticed, CU-WISE is recruiting for one new executive member and many new officers! This is a very exciting opportunity to get involved with a group that makes a real difference in the lives of many Carleton women who study science and engineering, and young women who are considering it.

But why would you want to give up your time to get more involved when you could just enjoy our events and such? Well, here's my list of reasons that I think you should give it a try!
  • The experience looks awesome on your resume.
  • It's a very valuable learning experience where you gain team-based and leadership skills.
  • You'll discover just how many like-minded women are there for you to meet!
  • You'll form new friendships, sometimes in the most unexpected places.
  • You might get the opportunity to attend next year's Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Tucson, Arizona (no promises, but we're hoping!).
  • You'll be recognized on the CU-WISE website for the hard work you do.
  • We're hoping to give you a CU-WISE t-shirt that advertises your role as executive or officer.
  • You'll make a real difference in many women's and girls' lives, and most likely, your own.
I hope that's enough to get you motivated to fill in your application. We truly look forward to hearing from you.