Here are some of the great things I learned or experiences I gained while at this conference:
- New ideas for outreach activities that I can do through CU-WISE and the Let's Talk Science program.
- I really do want to be an instructor and teach.
- I should definitely do an internship that is not close to home, even though I'm actually pretty scared of leaving my house and husband!
- CU-WISE might eventually be capable of running a local celebration of women in computing if we work with several other groups.
- The girls from Google are great hikers and great company.
- Hemp and bamboo shirts and soft and comfy (thanks Microsoft!).
- Women's conferences actually give away shirts made for women. Finally, swag I don't have to give to my husband!
- Inspiration can come from the most unexpected places.
- Volunteering is the best way to meet new people.
- Dancing with all women is a lot of fun (especially since most guys hate dancing anyway)!
- The Macarena is usually cheesy, but looks cool when a whole room of people are lined up to do it.
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